Continuation of European Union SME fund support in 2024

Continuation of European Union SME fund support in 2024

The support program of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is open! Starting in January, grant applications for the protection of intellectual property rights (trademarks, designs, patents, plant varieties) can once again be submitted! Up to 75% of the fees are reimbursed. The majority of Estonian companies fall under the SME definition - up to 250 employees, up to 50 million euros in annual turnover and/or up to 43 million euros in total annual balance sheet. We recommend that entrepreneurs use this opportunity to protect their trademarks and other rights mentioned, as recent studies in the EU show that companies with protected trademarks are 40% more successful than others.

You can find more detailed information about various grants on the website of the Patent Office:

We will help you apply for support!