
 Domain Name Protection: Why is it Important and How to Do It?

Domain Name Protection: Why is it Important and How to Do It?

A domain name is every company’s digital business card and is often the first point of contact between a customer and a brand. A well-chosen and protected domain name strengthens a company’s reputation, increases credibility and helps prevent commercial losses. But did you know that p...

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 Why is it important to protect your brand?

Why is it important to protect your brand?

Kaubamärgi kaitsmine on oluline mitmel põhjusel, kuna see aitab ettevõtetel säilitada oma brändi identiteeti, konkurentsieelist ja usaldusväärsust.

Siin on peamised põhjused, miks kaubamärki kaitsta:

1. Brändi identiteedi...

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 Did you know that there is plant variety protection? 🌱

Did you know that there is plant variety protection? 🌱

Plant variety protection is an important system that protects breeders of new plant varieties and their work. When a breeder creates a new variety, such as a more disease-resistant grain or a juicier berry variety, he or she can apply for plant variety protection, which gives them the right to de...

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 Can a work created by AI be copyrighted?

Can a work created by AI be copyrighted?

In the last few years, discussions about the authorship of works created with artificial intelligence (AI) and the copyright protection of works created in this way have made waves in legal circles. As you know, in our legal space, only works created by humans are considered to be protected by co...

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 Pärn & Partners employees completed SME Fund training

Pärn & Partners employees completed SME Fund training

We would like to inform you that our employees have completed the SME Fund training of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) regarding the IP Scan support offered to companies. In addition to other EUIPO program grants, we are now ready to offer a company's intellectua...

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 Continuation of European Union SME fund support in 2024

Continuation of European Union SME fund support in 2024

The support program of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is open! Starting in January, grant applications for the protection of intellectual property rights (trademarks, designs, patents, plant varieties) can once again...

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 Why is a patent attorney needed

Why is a patent attorney needed

A market survey conducted a couple of years ago under the leadership of the Patent Office revealed that only 35% of Estonian entrepreneurs were aware of patent attorneys (since trademark/patent attorneys are collectively called 'patent attorney' in Estonia, the same term is used here for both).

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 Creative property - a new word for intellectual property

Creative property - a new word for intellectual property

The Patent Office together with the Estonian Language Institute organized a word competition in November 2023 to find the Estonian equivalent of the word "intellectual property". Intellectual property is property arising as a result of mental work, the right to the results of a person's creative ...

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 How to protect food recipes in Estonia?

How to protect food recipes in Estonia?

The time has come when home-grown garden products are valued. Again and again, new recipes are invented to preserve garden products, but also to find new flavors. It is often discovered that the invented recipes are so good that one wants to offer them for sale. At the same time, the fear of copy...

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 World Trademark Review recognition 2022

World Trademark Review recognition 2022

We are happy and proud to announce that our Partner and Trademark Attorney, Riina Pärn, has been recognized again by the international guide WTR1000 as the ‘Leading Trademark Professional’ in Estonia in both, litigation and prosecution, categories. The recognition and the named r...

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 Our successful opposition against YOGA ALLIANCE PTY LTD

Our successful opposition against YOGA ALLIANCE PTY LTD

Our Partner and Trademark Attorney, Riina Pärn, has successfully opposed the Estonian trademark application ’YOGA ALLIANCE INTERNATIONAL (logo)’ Appl. No. M202000969 in class 41 filed by YOGA ALLIANCE PTY LTD on September 22, 2020 in the following figurative form (‘Opposed ...

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 Why protection of Intellectual Property rights is crucial for startups?

Why protection of Intellectual Property rights is crucial for startups?

Startups, while starting the business and entering into the markets with the products or services, may find the protection of their Intellectual Property (IP) rights costly, and thereby, often willing to avoid or keep such costs down. Such position may be often short-sighted and may involve certa...

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 How to protect your trademark on the global market?

How to protect your trademark on the global market?

Sometimes our clients approach us to get a global trademark in ’one set’ – although such global rights would be perfect, we have to disappoint our clients from time-to-time for such misunderstanding – there is no such global right neither now nor envisaged for the future. ...

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